Patrons may book up to 2 hours per day, per group. Green squares are available to reserve. Each square is 30 minutes. Click each 30-min increment you wish to reserve.
Food is not permitted in the Library. Beverages are only allowed in covered containers.
Please check-in at the Info Desk at the time of your booking.
KBLIC Alcove Booking
Location: Kirstein Business Library & Innovation Center, 700 Boylston St, Lower Level
- KBLIC Alcoves are intended for 1-6 attendees for business meetings, job interviews, calls, webinars or small group projects
- 2 hour session maximum per group, per day, 3 sessions per week
- Select your desired time slot(s) and hit the blue "Submit Times" at bottom of page to continue to registration page.
- For groups of 7-20 people, please contact the Special Events office at
- Food is not permitted in the Library. Beverages are only allowed in covered containers